Dare Mighty Things in

#Technology | #Robotics | #Computer Science

TRC Online Academy provides homeschool community students with flexible learning opportunities to learn, grow, and explore Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science from anywhere in the world. TRC captivates and inspires students to learn and grow academically, socially, and technically to make a positive impact in our community and eventually the world.
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Welcome to TRC Online

The Tennessee Robotics Center (TRC) offers engaging homeschool community and after-school robotics and STEM education programs that captivate, inspire, and empower students to excel academically, socially, and technically through hands-on exploration of real-world robotics. TRC cultivates enduring friendships in an immersive learning environment where students tackle the thrills and challenges of robotics and engineering design, delving into the exciting realms of Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science.


TRC makes giants leaps possible for all students by providing Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science education to help build 21st-century digital age skills. 
The pace of technology and change in today's fast-moving world requires a persistent pursuit of education to develop the knowledge and skills needed for using engineering and technology tools and principles. These skills enable educators to design, develop, prototype, deliver and assess authentic, learning experiences.

TRC Education enables and empowers students to learn beyond boundaries. Our new online learning portal provides students of all backgrounds, locations, and interests a way to learn, grow, and explore Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science education from anywhere in the world, even outer space.

Our Online Courses

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live i n a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."  
~ Teddy Roosevelt
"The Strenuous Life"
TRC Founder and Director

Meet Coach Mike

Michael Puckett, M.Ed.

Dare Mighty Things

Similar to numerous successful American businesses, TRC originated in a two-car garage during the summer of 2011. Coach Mike created TRC with the aim of introducing his two sons, Ben and Dylan, as well as local neighborhood friends, homeschoolers, and community students, to the exciting world of technology, robotics, and computer science. Fast forward 11 years and on July 16, 2022, the Tennessee Robotics Center was launched to commemorate Ben's idea to start a robotics club with his friends.

TRC has been instrumental in mentoring and coaching hundreds of students and teams participating in the FIRST LEGO League and FIRST Tech Challenge robotics programs. In 2020, the TRC FTC team 11161 achieved the prestigious Inspire Award at the Tennessee FTC State Championship, propelling them to the World Championship in Houston, TX. Throughout the past 12 years, TRCompetition teams have emerged as a force for change, igniting the passion of students inspired to explore technology, robotics, and computer science. What initially began as a small robotics lab in Coach Mike's garage has evolved into a thriving robotics learning center for K-12 students interested in pursuing a career or education in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design, & Mathematics).

Coach Mike resides in Murfreesboro, TN, and is an active member of World Outreach Church, serving on the Media Team for the past 8 years. A veteran of the US Navy, he volunteers with the Civil Air Patrol as an Aerospace Education Officer (AEO) and Emergency Services First Responder. Michael holds a B.S. in Information Technology and a Master of Education in Learning Design from Purdue University.

Dare Mighty Things is not just our motto, it's what we do!